Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Mini Series Reflection

In this Mini Series I produced three works which aimed to depict transparency in some form. Subsequently, the objects chosen as subject matters were similar in material and structure, being glass salt shakers and a miniature wine glass. Two of the pieces were done in oil pastel, and one in pencil, and I think that each had its own strengths and weaknesses. My first oil pastel (left) made use of blocks of color, a vibrant palette, and unification through shading. On the other hand, in certain areas it lacked depth because of minimum layering and lack of relevant details in the glass. Using this information learned in the first pastel, I attempted another using a wine glass (middle). The strengths of this piece were its use of complimentary colors for contrast, the glossy glaze at the base, and the details of distortion within the cup. While areas are fairly realistic, some parts required darker outlines and a greater sense of symmetry. Lastly, my pencil sketch of the salt shakers (right) was successful through use of fine details, focus on values of black, and glare, but could have been improved with more graduated shading and bends in glass. Overall, each of these works provides a different insight into the notion of transparency. My personal taste leads me to be partial to the wine glass because of the animation between the orange and blue, but in terms of the depiction of transparent object, I think that the pencil sketch was most successful.

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