Thursday, September 6, 2012

Wayne Thiebaud Post

The picture below is a Wayne Thiebaud painting, the artist that we are currently studying. Of all his work, this painting inspired me the most because if the interesting disorganized nature of the painted plates. The cluster pattern grabs my attention, as opposed to his other objects which are in uniform lines. Also, it intrigued me that he would choose such mundane objects for subject matter. When I eventually chose objects, I will try to mimic this pattern of clustering.

1 comment:

  1. Interestingly, this is not a Thiebaud painting. It appears that the artist, Robert Weingarten, has made a series of works mimicking other well known artists' palettes. From what I can see, he sells prints of photographs he takes of his palettes. I like your thoughts about the arrangement of objects. Very different from his regimented lines. I like how you found inspiration in the image and you have clearly looked at a number of other Thiebaud paintings to see the differences in this one.

    I have enjoyed reading your posts.
